Address No. 65, Shahid Ghandi St., North Sohrevardi Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone +98 21 87754

E-Mail Address

Abadgaran Group Office
Address End of West 6th St., Safadasht Industrial Zone, Safadasht, Malard Road, Karaj, Iran

Phone +98 21 65741911-5

Abadgaran Group Factory
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you better. Please help us by taking a few minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far.

Good will of Mr. Mohammad Raouf Zabihi

The founder of Abadgaran Construction Chemicals Group has taken great steps in charity works (development and facilitating schools, public libraries, and clinics) for Bisaran Village, Kordestan Province. He is known in the village as Molla Raouf Zabihi. Recently he has been a resemblance of humanitarian aids and charity works by establishing an advanced laboratory for the clinic of the village and equipped it with the modern medical equipments. The local residents also expressed their purest gratitude for the helps. We hope the best for all social aids activities and Mr. Zabihi.
Good will of Mr. Mohammad Raouf Zabihi -1