Initial Flush:
Pour 4-8 litres of ABAINJECT-CLEANER into clean pail. Purge resin material from pump with ABAINJECT-CLEANER until clean stream of solvent is flowing from output hose. The resin-rich solvent from this phase will need to be disposed of properly.
Direct the output hose back into the solvent pail and allow pump to re-circulate for 2 -3 minutes. Retain this used solvent for the Initial Flush sequence.
Final Flush:
Pour 4-8 litres of fresh ABAINJECT-CLEANER into a clean pail. Purge the previously used ABAINJECT-CLEANER from the pump. When a clear stream of solvent flows from the output hose, direct the flow back into the solvent pail and re-circulate for 2-3 minutes. Purge ABAINJECT-CLEANER from pump with low viscosity motor oil for storage. Retain this used solvent for recirculation or final flush sequence.
Reusing: ABAINJECT-CLEANER can be used multiple times. Dispose of ABAINJECT-CLEANER properly once the material is too stained to see through.