Address No. 65, Shahid Ghandi St., North Sohrevardi Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone +98 21 87754

E-Mail Address

Abadgaran Group Office
Address End of West 6th St., Safadasht Industrial Zone, Safadasht, Malard Road, Karaj, Iran

Phone +98 21 65741911-5

Abadgaran Group Factory
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FLOCEM-FG is a polymer modified fine-aggregate ready to mix cementitious overlay designed for flooring operations. Base on excellent abrasion and mechanical resistance properties (approximately 50 MPa compressive strength). It is suitable for heavy duty industries. FLOCEM-FG has been formulated for easy application to achieve a smooth, flat surface without any shrinkage and cracking up to 10 mm thickness.


For every 10 mm thickness 20.0 to 25.0 kg (depend on substrate conditions) of dry powder per square meter will be required.



Ensure the concrete substrate is clean and free from oil, grease, sealers, curing compounds, paints, polymer coatings, dust or other foreign (bond breaking) matter. Excess bitumen, adhesive or laitance should be removed by light scrabbling or mechanical captive shot blasting or grinding, followed by vacuuming to remove debris and dust. The substrates should be pre-saturated for preferably 6 hours with water before application.



FLOCEM-FG requires approximately 2.5litres of water per 25 kg bag and is best mixed with a forced action, high shear stirrer, or by a heavy duty electric mixing drill at approx. 600 rpm. Add pre measured water to a clean mixing bucket. Gradually add FLOCEM-FG into the water whilst continuously mixing the contents of the bucket.

When the entire contents of the bag have been added to the water, mix for a further two minutes to produce a smooth homogenous consistency. Do NOT mix by hand. Do NOT add excess water. Discard any FLOCEM-FG that has hardened or stiffened in the mixing bucket. Further addition of water will NOT reconstitute a usable mixture.



The mixed material is poured onto the prepared substrates and spread with a steel trowel and spreader to the required thickness in one operation. Alternatively the use of an electrical trowel will ensure a smooth even finish.



Start curing after initial setting of FLOCEM-FG, It necessary to cure areas of FLOCEM-FG with humidified method for at least 24 hours.

Protect from direct sunlight or drying winds during cure.

Note: after curing, cutting operation for expansion joint be done.


  • Excellent workability
  • Controlled expansion and non-shrink
  • Reinstating large areas in relative short time periods
  • Rapid hardening
  • Dimensionally stable
  • Long lasting durable
  • Good adhesion to most common substrates
  • Can be applied directly onto prepared concrete surfaces
  • Single component product, just add water
  • Quick application
  • Easy mixing

  • Reinstatement of damaged/old, new or existing concrete floors subject to foot traffic, industrial equipment, airport, petrochemical, power plant, forklift traffic or trolleys.
  • Use as final wearing coarse overlay or may be coated with an appropriate epoxy floor coating.
  • Residential, commercial and industrial application
  • Light to medium industrial application

  • Physical state: Powder
  • Color: Grey
  • Specific gravity of fresh mortar: 2.40±0.05 g/cm³


  • Shelf life: 1 year in the original package
  • Storage condition: should be protected from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep bag in the temperature range between +10°C and +30°C.
  • Packing: 25 kg bag

This product does not contain any substances hazardous to human health and the environment. However, it should not be swallowed and allowed to be in contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. When applying gloves & goggles should be worn. For further information refer to the material safety data sheet.

FLOCEM-FG is not flammable. MSDS is available at ABADGARAN website.